This Thanksgiving, Help Strikers at Kohler

Brothers and Sisters,

As you know, the workers of UAW Local 833 at Kohler have been on strike for over a week. On Sunday, November 15, workers took a strike vote with 94% voting to strike.

We, as labor brothers and sisters, must do our part to help them in their fight. We must stand strong in solidarity.

At issue, is a two-tier wage system.

At the Wisconsin AFL-CIO, we will keep you updated as things develop.

Thanksgiving is just two days away. Workers will be walking the picket line on Thanksgiving Day. It would be a great show of support to join them Thursday in solidarity.

These are things that we all can do to help our brothers and sisters at UAW Local 833.

Join the picket line anytime including Thanksgiving Day at the Clock Tower, 444 Highland Drive, Kohler, and stand in solidarity with the families of UAW Local 833.
Donate to the Kohler UAW 833 Workers Relief Fund


Sign the petition calling on Herbert and David Kohler to return to the negotiating table, give fair and equal treatment to their employees, and move away from the two-tier wage structure.
Donate to the food bank.
Donate wood and fire wood for burn barrels to help keep strikers warm in the Wisconsin winter.  Food and wood donations can be dropped off at:

Emil Mazey Hall
5425 Superior Avenue
Sheboygan, WI 53083

The entire labor movement proudly stands with Kohler workers as they fight for fair wages for all workers and a strong middle class for America.

In Solidarity,

Phil Neuenfeldt, President

Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer